Rev Andy Morgan
Senior Minister
Hi - my name is Andy and I have the privilege of being the Minister here at Enfield Baptist. I grew up in Enfield attending Raglan Primary and Edmonton County Schools. After an unimpressive school career I worked for Barclays and Lloyds Banks in London. In 1994 I left the bank to go to Oak Hill College. After college I became a Youth Minister. In 2005 my wife Kitty and I and our 2 year old son Sam moved to the United States. In our 17 years in America I was a Youth Minister and then I tripped into being an Anglican Priest spending the last 11 years ministering in a Church in Northern Virginia, just south of Washington DC.
I am married to Kitty and we have three boys, Sam , Jem and Caleb. We moved back to Enfield in August of 2022 to serve here at Enfield Baptist Church.
My favourite verse is also my passion - Romans 12:2 - that people are not conformed to this world but TRANSFORMED by the renewing of their mind.
Marion Phillips
Senior Support Worker

Hello, I'm Marion, the Senior's Support Worker, here at EBC. I was born and brought up in Enfield and live with Greg and our three grown up sons. I have been a Christian since the age of 11 and been in attendance at EBC since 2008.
My whole working career has been in the care sector, caring for people with a wide range of needs, throughout Enfield and parts of Essex. I have been truly blessed along the way and cannot imagine doing anything else. I love to come alongside our older members to offer friendship and company as well as reliable support, assistance and encouragement. I am available to escort people on hospital and other health related appointments and I offer domestic assistance, shopping and pharmacy errands as well as any excuse to meet up for a cup of tea and a chat.
Here, at Enfield Baptist Church, we also open our doors to the wider community and invite residents from two local care homes to enjoy a weekly drop-in style coffee morning. Music, conversation, games and friendship are shared and offered by myself and a loyal group of volunteers at 'Cafe Refresh Plus' on Thursday mornings.
In my spare time, I love to catch up with friends, I enjoy listening to all sorts of music and visiting art galleries.
Tim McBryan
Youth Ministry Worker
Pastoral Assistant
Hi, my name is Tim, I am the Youth Worker and Pastoral Assistant in training here at Enfield Baptist Church and have been a part of this fellowship in Enfield since 2017 when I married my wife, Ruth, and migrated from South London To North London.
I was brought up in Lambeth in Southwest London, and had the privilege of growing up and serving in an Evangelical Non-Denominational Church called Calvary Chapel, which was born out of the Jesus People movement in the 60’s in the United States.
I attended Bible College in Southern California and Austria, focusing on Biblical Theology and Missions training. I then served as Worship Leader and Youth Leader at our church in South London for fifteen years whilst working for London Underground as a Train Operator on both the Northern and Piccadilly lines.
As I mentioned above, I am married to Ruth and we have one daughter whose name is Grace.
The verse that has challenged and encouraged me the most in my life is Hebrews 12:1-2
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,”
Kitty Morgan
Childrens Ministry Worker

Hi! I am Kitty Morgan. I was brought up in the North West of England and came to London aged 18 to study dance at Middlesex University. During this time, I became a Christian and met my husband, Andy. Wanting to serve God, I trained to be a teacher and we attended The Stable in High Barnet. I left full time teaching to study part-time as a spouse at Oakhill Theological College and worked with various Christian educational organisations as well as participating in mission work.
In 2003 we left the UK with our toddler Sam. We had seventeen years in the USA and gained two more sons Jem and Caleb. I wrote Vacation Bible School curriculum with a team of volunteers and became the Children's Minister for our new church plant. I also became a Teaching Artist for Early Learning, training teachers how to integrate the arts into the curriculum. I have continued to lead worship dance/ choreography groups as I am always happiest when I'm moving.
My favourite bible verse is Psalm 23:4 after living through a ridiculous number of family tragedies. My favourite bible character is anyone who has messed up, repents and is restored and my favourite figure of Christian history is Eric Liddell : "God made me fast. And when I run, I feel His pleasure."
My hope is to see each child experiencing God's delight in them.
Clare Shadwell
Family and Women's Ministry Worker

I'm Clare and I am the the Family and Women's Ministry Worker at EBC. This is a role that I have felt God calling me to for many years and I feel it is a privilege to serve families and women both in the church and in the community. I run Little Buds on a Friday , which is a group for Mums/Dads, there are two sessions. The morning is for early walkers until the age of two and the afternoon is for newborns until they are steadily walking.
I have been coming to the church since 2001 and really feel like this is my second home. I have always had a belief in God but didn't make the step to commit to follow him until 2005. Although life has had it's challenges I have held onto my faith, sometimes by the skin of my teeth. I have four children who keep me very busy and in my spare time I enjoy reading and spending time with family and friends, especially when I can cook for them!
Clare Shadwell
Church Co-Ordinator
David Thomas
Kate Solomon
Health and Safety Officer
for any queries email admin@enfieldbaptistchurch.org.uk and put "health and safety" in the subject line