Promoting a Safer Church
Our vision
A community that loves as Jesus commands us to love: -
Renewed commitment to Prayer
Commitment to Hospitality
Commitment to loving Our Community
Identifying our Spiritual Gifts and using them
In fulfilling this vision, we:
Welcome children and adults at risk into the life of our community
Run activities for children and adults at risk
Make our premises available to organisations working with children and adults at risk
The church recognises its responsibilities in safeguarding all children, young people, and adults at risk, regardless of gender, ethnicity, or ability.
As members of this church, we commit ourselves to the nurturing, protection, and safekeeping of all associated with the church and will pray for them regularly. In pursuit of this, we commit ourselves to this policy and to the development of sound procedures to ensure we implement our policy well.
Prevention and reporting of abuse
It is the duty of each church member to help prevent the abuse of children and adults at risk, and the duty of each church member to respond to concerns about the well-being of children and adults at risk. Any abuse disclosed, discovered, or suspected will be reported in accordance with our procedures. The church will fully co-operate with any statutory investigation into any suspected abuse linked with the church.
All information regarding Safeguarding is documented in the Enfield Baptist Church Safeguarding Policy & Procedures.
There are four key words/actions that support the responsibility of all members of the church community:
Recognise – any signs of abuse (See Appendix 1 of the Policy for further information).
Respond- by listening well and then tell the Designated Person for Safeguarding in the church as soon as possible, within 24 hours or the Deputy or the Safeguarding Trustee.
Record- make notes of any concerns, date and sign the note. (See Appendix 3 of the Policy for an example Incident Form).
Report- give a copy of that note to the Designated Person for Safeguarding in the church.
Responsible People:
Designated Safeguarding Person TBA
The church has a vacancy for this post at present. The Designated Person for Safeguarding is responsible for:
Advising the church on any matters related to the safeguarding of children, and adults at risk
Take the appropriate action when abuse is disclosed, discovered, or suspected.
Ensure that all vetting and barring checks are undertaken.
Deputy Designated Person Safeguarding TBA when training completed.
To act in the absence of the DPS.
Kate Solomon
Safeguarding Trustee/Deacon

The church has appointed Kate Solomon as the Safeguarding Trustee/Deacon to:
Oversee and monitor the implementation of the policy and procedures on behalf of the church’s charity trustees.
If you wish to see a copy of the policy, please contact the Enfield Baptist Church Office.